Monday, July 31, 2006

A possible Crazy Friday night heads South in a hurry

So last Friday, it's one of the teachers birthdays at school. We are all teaching summer school and, against my better judgment, I head out after work with a couple folks for a quick celebratory beverage. When I get there, I notice that I'm the only guy. In the dark recesses of my mind, this is the sort of scenario I dream about. No cock-blocking. No flexing and pluming. Just me and a buncha hotties throwing back booze. One drink in, and I'm already envisioning the bit where one of them slips me a roofie and I wake up in some Des Moines apartment, tied to the floor while the women take turns straddling my mouth.

But in real time, one of them starts talking up her love life. And, before long, they're all on to the subject of blow jobs. And what should be an exercise in unstoppable awesomeness actually turns rather uncomfortable. Once or twice, they ask for my opinion... [mostly stuff like, "Where do you guys get that idea? From porno?"] I spend the next half hour blushing, nodding or shaking my head like a trained seal, shifting nervously in my seat, and wondering if the couple one booth over can hear any of this.

I end up leaving after only an hour. Sure, I could have stayed, gotten drunk and gone on a rant and rave about Blow Jobs, but it just wasnt worth it. These ladies seemed to be a little too anti-guys that night. I also have to work with them and will see them 5 days a week. I didnt want to piss anyone off. When I left, they were saying how all guys are jerks, we only think of sex, etc. Now this is true, for the most part, but I just didnt have it in me to argue. (You wont hear me say that often)

You ladies do this sorta stuff on purpose, don't you?

Friday, July 28, 2006

Alcohol Quotes

Here are some famous quotes concerning one of my favorite topics: DRINKING

Sometimes I reflect back on all the beer I have consumed. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and all of their hopes and dreams. If I didn't drink this beer, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered. Then I say to myself, "It is better that I drink this beer and let their dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver."
- by Jack Handy

I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day.
- Frank Sinatra

The problem with some people is that when they aren't drunk, they're sober.
- William Butler Yeats

An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with his fools
- Ernest Hemingway

Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.
- Ernest Hemingway

Time is never wasted when you're wasted all the time.
- Catherine Zandonella

Reality is an illusion that occurs due to lack of alcohol.
- Anonymous

Drinking provides a beautiful excuse to pursue the one activity that truly gives me pleasure, hooking up with fat, hairy girls.
- Ross Levy

A woman drove me to drink and I didn't even have the decency to thank her.
- W.C. Fields

What contemptible scoundrel has stolen the cork to my lunch?
- Tee Mans

When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading.
- Henny Youngman

Life is a waste of time, time is a waste of life, so get wasted all of the time and have the time of your life.
- Michelle Mastrolacasa

I'd rather have a bottle in front of me, than a frontal lobotomy.
- Tom Waits

24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case. Coincidence?
- Stephen Wright

When we drink, we get drunk. When we get drunk, we fall asleep. When we fall asleep, we commit no sin. When we commit no sin, we go to heaven. Sooooo, let's all get drunk and go to heaven!
- Brian O'Rourke

You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer.
- Frank Zappa

Always remember that I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me.
- Winston Churchill

Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.
- Benjamin Franklin

If you ever reach total enlightenment while drinking beer, I bet it makes beer shoot out your nose.
- Jack Handy

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Public Hand-Ass Affection (Please Make it Stop!!)

So the other day I'm strolling through Jordan Creek Mall when I get stuck behind this couple in their mid-40s. All is good except for two things: They're walking so slowly, they're practically standing still (and, as you all know, I am an on-the-go type of guy). Also, the guy has his hand secured snugly inside the back pocket of the woman's jeans.

Ass man that I am (see some of my previous posts), I have never understood the allure of the "let me walk around with my hand in the back pocket of my girl's jeans" maneuver. First of all, it's not comfortable. I love ass, but I also love comfort. And when I'm walking through a picturesque park, a windswept alley, or Jordan Creek Mall, it's all about comfort. If the hands are inserted into said pocket quickly, say during a spontaneous kiss or while pausing to whisper some sweet and sexy little smalltalk such as "You rock" or "Let's go dress up as pirates and fuck each other retarded," then I can understand... my hands are roaming your backside and sliding them into your pockets is acceptable, as long as it is only for a moment. But to walk for any great distance with a hand in someone's back pocket? Unacceptable.

As fate would have it, a few hours later at Valley West Mall, I see an even greater offense: A hookerish-chick in her early 20s walking with some thick-necked lug in a Gold's Gym sweatshirt who's simply gripping her ass as they amble along. No back pockets, hell not even a beltloop to slide a couple fingers through; just his beefy mitt on her rather bitchin' ass. I'm watching this madness asking myself, "What's the message here?" Is he that enamored of her backside that he has to get his feel on 24/7? Or, more likely, is it a not-so-subtle message to all us pencil-necks: "When I'm not pounding iron or quaffing protein shakes, I'm tapping THIS SPECTACULAR ASS! And YOU'RE NOT!"

Please people, let us use some common sense and relax on the public ass-grabbing. Besides, when a guy has his hand on some girls ass, that blocks my view!!!! Totally unfair!!!

Friday, July 21, 2006

A Possible Crazy Friday Night Heads South in a Hurry

So last Friday, it's one of the teachers birthdays at school. We are all teaching summer school and, against my better judgment, I head out after work with a couple folks for a quick celebratory beverage. When I get there, I notice that I'm the only guy. In the dark recesses of my mind, this is the sort of scenario I dream about. No cock-blocking. No flexing and pluming. Just me and a buncha hotties throwing back booze. One drink in, and I'm already envisioning the bit where one of them slips me a roofie and I wake up in some Des Moines apartment, tied to the floor while the women take turns straddling my mouth.

But in real time, one of them starts talking up her love life. And, before long, they're all on to the subject of blow jobs. And what should be an exercise in unstoppable awesomeness actually turns rather uncomfortable. Once or twice, they ask for my opinion... [mostly stuff like, "Where do you guys get that idea? From porno?"] I spend the next half hour blushing, nodding or shaking my head like a trained seal, shifting nervously in my seat, and wondering if the couple one booth over can hear any of this.

I end up leaving after only an hour. Sure, I could have stayed, gotten drunk and gone on a rant and rave about Blow Jobs, but it just wasnt worth it. These ladies seemed to be a little too anti-guys that night. I also have to work with them and will see them 5 days a week. I didnt want to piss anyone off. When I left, they were saying how all guys are jerks, we only think of sex, etc. Now this is true, for the most part, but I just didnt have it in me to argue. (You wont hear me say that often)

You ladies do this sorta stuff on purpose, don't you?

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

My Kind of Movie Poster

Now, see, here's a summer movie poster I can get behind. No pirates. No guys with capes. No meteors hurtling to Earth at breakneck speed. Just Rosario Dawson's ass. As many now know, I am an assman!!!! Any movie poster that has a sexy ass as it's focal point is alright by me. I am not the biggest Rosario Dawson fan, but her backside looks pretty good in the poster.

This poster sells the movie just fine for me. What more do you need? The fact that there might be 90 minutes of dialogue and action built around said ass is only the frosting on the cake as far as I'm concerned. When I'm selecting a film to see on any given weekend, all that really goes through my mind is, "Exactly how much Rosario Dawson ass will this film contain?" For the most part it sounds like I will be disappointed. Reviews I have heard do not say there is alot of nudity and Rosario Dawson's ass is not the centerpiece of the movie. But with this poster, Kevin Smith is targeting my demographic. And for that, he gets my eight bucks and fifty cents.

Slippening Bowels

Here is my submission for a Drunk on a Sunday. I'm kind of proud of this story because it almost landed me in jail and I am ashamed for the same reason.

One Sunday, in March (1996), I decided to go on a BarCrawl. I think everyone has done one of these, or at least heard about them. It's when you get a bunch of people together, get a map of every bar in town, pick a starting point and try to have a beer at every bar. I did this once in Washington DC and I think that I made it to 18 bars. Like I said, "I think" because I really don't remember the last 4-5 but I had them checked off on my map This time though, I went on a bar crawl by myself. I thought that it would be a great way to check out the bars of downtown Denver. I was there visiting my buddy from College. Paul was a doctor working at one of the hospitals in Denver. He had just called and said he was going to be at work all night and probably most of Monday and I should make myself at home and chill. I kind of felt like sampling the local culture and decided to head out.

I started at Old Chicago. I know, it's a franchise place that I detest, but
it was a bar crawl and I had to start somewhere. No one was in the place so I chatted with the bartender. I bought the first beer, then he asked me if I wanted to
play that game where you have to pull wooden blocks from the stack without knocking the stack over. The name of the game slips me right now, but the deal was, if the bartender lost, he would buy me and this guy sitting next to me the next round. I don't remember what I would have had to do if I lost because it didn't happen. I stayed there for 3 beers before I realized that I was on a crawl and had to get moving. I asked the bartender where the next closest bar was. He said "next door." Off I went.

The bar next door was an Irish bar called N'awlins. There were 5 people in the joint. It was around 2:30 in the afternoon. I don't know what you drink in Irish bars, but I drink Guinness. Guinness is the good stuff, too. I think at this point things began to get sketchy, and this was only the second bar.

I'm straining my brain right now but I know that I then walked to this bar next to Coors field. This time I had a brew in some sports bar. This place was huge and totally empty. I had my own personal bartender who seemed happy just to have somebody to talk to. I bought one brew and he gave me the second at no charge. At this point I had had 6 pints, one Guinness. I was definitely feeling fine.

I left that place and walked to this place called Dicks. They have them in Chicago. It's a place where the employees are purposefully rude, thus the name "Dicks." It's their niche I guess. My bartender was a woman who didn't seem to be all that rude but she did come off as a bitch. She seemed like she was having such an unhappy time working that she brought me down, and I was drinking!!!!! I drank two more beers and cruised. I know that you are only supposed to drink one beer at a bar but what can I say? I was drunk and my feet were starting to get blisters from all the walking.

After this bar I walked about 4 blocks to Herbs. Voss and LL know what Herbs is all about. It's a bar that is totally painted blue inside, but tastefully done. There isn't a single TV in the place. The two bartenders are absolutely gorgeous. At this point I knew that I had $20 in my pocket and I had to save something for a cab ride home. I ordered a Stoli martini with a lemon twist.

This was a huge mistake.

The owner of the bar was there, I've rapped with him before as he was the neighbor of Paul. I told him and Mallory (hot bartender and don't use the "where's skippy" joke on her, she's heard it) all about my exploits and how drunk I was. All I remember is that I drank that martini and became really drunk. Also, I didn't eat anything all day either. So I'm sitting on this barstool drunk as hell, got people sitting around me that I'm rapping with and this very urgent need to fart come over me like nothing that's ever hit me before. I was in so much pain that I had to release it immediately. As drunk as I was, there was no way that I would have made it to the bathroom without falling down.

So I sat on the barstool and farted one. It was quiet. I hoped that nobody noticed. But as I sat there, I realized that it wasn't just gas that I released. At first I thought that it was just a little poo-poo, nothing to worry about, that shit has happened to me before. But this time I could tell that I dropped a load. I guess the greasy Chili from the night before was coming back to haunt me. I played it off, hoping that nobody noticed, but then this terrible smell overtook me. There was no way that everybody in the place was not going to notice. I knew I had to get out of there fast so I threw down my last $20 and bolted out the door. I didn't have time to wait for change.

Now please understand, in Denver, the days of March are normally very sunny and warm, but at night, after the sun drops behind the mountains, it gets pretty damn cold. It's definitely over a mile to Paul's place but less than two, so I took off on foot. I made it about 6 blocks before I decided that I had to get a cab because it was just too damn cold. I flagged one down and hopped in. I was thinking about the crap in my pants and totally forgot that I spent all of my money. Honesty is a principle in my life so I explained the situation to the cabby (that I was out of money, not that I had shit in my pants) and he agreed to take me to an ATM by my house.

I walked into this 7-11 and tried to use my bankcard in the ATM. I was really drunk and I could not get it to work at all. I had no idea what I was doing. I walked out to the cabby and told him that I didn't have any money. At this point two police officers who were also at the 7-11 surrounded me. They asked me for my id and asked what the problem was. I tried to explain but got nowhere. All that's going through my head is that I have crapped my pants and am going to jail over a $5.00 cab fare and why in the hell did I go on a bar crawl by myself in the first place??? I told the officers that I would try again on the bank machine. I probably could have run at this point but they had my ID so it would not have mattered. I went back into 7-11, back to the machine and gave it one last try. It took every bit of concentration that I had to remember my code and read the screen. Karma came back and took care of me because somehow I was able to get out $20.

I walked out and paid the cabby, even gave him a ten for his trouble. The cops told me to head straight home, not a problem when you have a load of crap in your drawers.

Friday, July 7, 2006

BJ in the Car

This is a reprint of my 4th of July post from MySpace:

What a 4th of July!!!! The little woman and I were drinking most of the day. We went to visit some friends up in Ames and went to a parade, then the drinking began. I took it fairly easy, since we were driving back to DM later in the afternoon to catch the fireworks there. On the way back home, my better half starts getting a little horny. She starts grabbing my crotch and next thing I know, she has the pants unzipped and starts going to work!!! She had never given me a BJ while in the car (At least not while it was moving). What a surprise!!!!

The blowjob in the car is one of those things that is awesome simply in and of itself. The car blowjob is intensified by the fact that it adds an element of danger to the proceedings. As the driver of the car, I know I have to keep my focus on the road. There are big-ass trucks and crazy seventeen year old girls trying to simultaneously dial their cell phones and steer their daddy's BMW's and Jeep Cherokees across four lanes of interstate. But as the recipient of the blowjob, I also know that the lifeblood which is so necessary to keeping my brainwaves nice and snappy is being filtered away to my lower extremities, giving me that slightly dizzy, slightly buzzed, holy-shit-I'm-getting-a-beaner-in-the-car feeling that truly dulls the reaction times. So there's that struggle going on. Also, if it's a particularly long drive, and said blowjob is helpful in keeping me from slipping off into a narcoleptic coma on interstate 35, then I certainly want to prolong the sensation and delay the spurt for as long as possible (one time, my girlfriend gave me a BJ that lasted for about 45 miles). Further, everytime I pass an SUV or 16 wheeler, I try to speed up, lest fellow drivers alongside me start snapping cell phone pics.

Worst of all, as a guy who just hasn't mastered the art of post-orgasm smalltalk, I find myself in a precarious situation once the BJ has officially ended and I realize I've still got 45 miles to Des Moines. After she obliged me the other day, I simply nodded, smiled, said, "DAMN!!." and "WOW!!!" I mean, what can you say. It isn't like we can cuddle and do all that lovey dovey talk. In the past, I just mess with the radio for awhile. I was lucky this last time as I had her favorite CD in the car. I just popped it in and she was singing right along.

Saturday, July 1, 2006

Let the Blogging Begin!!!

Hello!!! I am glad you made it this far!! These blogs will be a mix of past incidents in my life that I would like to share with you and my current feelings, rants, ramblings, etc. I hope you are entertained by them!!!!

Many of these blogs come from my old website that has since shutdown. I also have a myspace page that I will be getting blogs off of. If you want to check out the myspace page and blog, it is at this address: