Wednesday, July 19, 2006

My Kind of Movie Poster

Now, see, here's a summer movie poster I can get behind. No pirates. No guys with capes. No meteors hurtling to Earth at breakneck speed. Just Rosario Dawson's ass. As many now know, I am an assman!!!! Any movie poster that has a sexy ass as it's focal point is alright by me. I am not the biggest Rosario Dawson fan, but her backside looks pretty good in the poster.

This poster sells the movie just fine for me. What more do you need? The fact that there might be 90 minutes of dialogue and action built around said ass is only the frosting on the cake as far as I'm concerned. When I'm selecting a film to see on any given weekend, all that really goes through my mind is, "Exactly how much Rosario Dawson ass will this film contain?" For the most part it sounds like I will be disappointed. Reviews I have heard do not say there is alot of nudity and Rosario Dawson's ass is not the centerpiece of the movie. But with this poster, Kevin Smith is targeting my demographic. And for that, he gets my eight bucks and fifty cents.

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