I was watching one of those primetime news shows last night. I think it was Dateline, but who really cares. They are all the same anyway. The show was about Sex, one of my favorite topics. They talked about swingers, strippers, and Asexuals (People who do not ever have sex. They dont want to. Strange group of people.)
Anyway, I came away with several interesting takes on the show and their topics.
Swingers: The Swingers they interviewed were some nasty swingers. I mean butt ugly!!! I have no idea who would swing with them, except for maybe another ugly swinging couple. I have been to some sex clubs that cater to swingers, and I have to admit that many of the people that were in these clubs were fairly decent looking. They picked the ugliest ones to interview. Could it be they want to discourage this type of behavior, so they portray swingers are ugly people? I have no idea.
Strippers: This was one segment I was very interested in. I have dated a few strippers, have friends who are strippers, and I have been known to go to a strip club every now and then. I actually think they did a pretty good job in their portrayal of strippers.
They did mention that strippers can make up to $2000 a week. I can vouch that number is pretty close to the truth. I dated a girl in Austin that was a college student by day, dancer at night. She brought home around $200 on a slow night, and $400 on weekends. I would say she averaged close to $1500 a week, and that was a 5 night work week. I know of a girl who also stripped in Austin, then Dallas and made comparable cash. She moved to Vegas and started stripping out there. She told me she makes between $2000 and $3000 a week. Depends on the times and where she is dancing at. One night, she had a guy spend $3500 on her in one night. And it wasnt for sex!!! Just dancing and companionship. DAMN!!!
So, this got me to thinking. If I were a woman, had a hot body, and had some rhythm, I think I would definitely become a stripper. Shit, you can make over $100,000 a year dancing. WOW!!!! It takes me like three years to earn that teaching. I would save most of it, invest it, and then retire at the age of 35. I think it would be awesome being a stripper. It would be like going to a club everynight and dancing, except you get paid for it AND you get to pick the music you dance to. Add in all the free drinks guys buy you and you are set!!! Come to think of it, if anyone wants to pay me some $$$ for a lap dance, I will give you one. You can even touch me if you want!!
I really dont see the harm in stripping. Society has made it out to be such a bad thing. They chastise the woman who strip and make them out to be evil. You know where the problem lies? Not with the women. They are supplying a service. It is the men!!! (I cant believe I am saying this) Stripping is pure and simple economics. The law of supply and demand. You take away the demand and the suppliers disappear. Imagine if the world gets so crazy and dangerous that no one wants to travel anywhere for fear of being blown to bits. The demand for travel agents disappears, so the travel agencies close. Same would happen with strippers. If guys would stop wanting to see hot women dancing naked in front of them, then there would be no strippers. Of course, this will never happen, since men by nature are some of the horniest creatures on earth.
So all of these feminists who are against strippers should turn the anger towards us men. Let us have it!! Hit us with your best shot. I guarantee you, it wont do any good. But you can try. Unless all men get castrated or they invent some kind of drug to take away our libido, strip clubs are here to stay.
And we havent even touched on prostitution yet, but that can wait till a future blog.
What do you all think? For it, against it? Who out there would strip if they could do it? Maybe some of you already are.
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