With the arrival of warm weather, I have been seeing the ladies wearing less and less clothing. Cutoff shirts, shorts, tank tops -- I am lovin it. And with this warm weather attire, I have been seeing more and more tattoos. I think everyone is getting a tattoo.
Anyway, I dont know what it is about a hottie with a tattoo, but it drives me crazy!!!! God Bless you all!!
Okay, just curious, why are they so... hot?
Good Question!!! I really can't explain it. They are just sexy. Maybe it is some inborn innate thing with guys. Think about it. Throughout history, there have been many cultural groups that view tattoos, jewelry, and other body adornments as sexy. African groups, Amazon Indians, Native Americans, Indonesians, and Americans.
Why do women wear jewelry? Same reason some people get tattoos. It is attractive.
Now I know not everyone thinks tattoos are sexy, but there are a lot of people who do
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